Saturday, March 5, 2016


Quiet, slow-moving mornings.

Warm, little bodies pressed up against me.

Hands that reach for mine.

Pinks and  yellows and oranges scattered across newly green landscapes.

Gentle winds blowing through swaying tree tops.

Deep blue waves rushing to soothe the shore.

Brilliant red and orange sunsets.

Full moons and crescent moons standing watch in the night.

Stars that dance and sing.

Warm, soft blankets and crackling fires.

Dark burgeoning clouds full of winter warnings.

Wild pounding rain raging against my window.

Mournful train whistles off in the distance.

Snow-capped mountains rising high above green valley floors.

Dirt paths winding aimlessly through space and time.

Moments that stop me in my tracks and fill my heart with wonder.

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  1. I love your word choice. You definitely created an image in my mind.

  2. These are beautiful images. I'm using them to calm myself down as I write!

  3. You're poem was renewal for me. All the images made me feel calm and rested.

  4. You're poem was renewal for me. All the images made me feel calm and rested.

  5. What beautiful poetry! I connected with so many of the images you shared. Thank you for the moment of renewal. Happy Writing!


Your comments are welcomed and appreciated!