Sunday, March 8, 2020

I Forget

Sometimes I forget
you're not just a short drive across town
or a phone call away
I forget that Sunday dinner
will be no different than Monday or Tuesday 
or any other day

I forget that there's no one left
who has believed in me
for the entirety of my existence
I forget that when everything 
seems to be falling apart
you're not there with quiet reassurance

I forget that you'll never see
your grandsons grown
and on their way
I forget that I will never again
hear what you have to say

I forget that I won't see you
in your chair rolling through the door
I forget I can't ask you 
a million questions
you'd have the answers for

I forget that I'm angry with you
for not wanting to stay
just a little longer
I forget that I'm angrier with myself
for failing you 
and not being stronger

I forget
I forget
I forget

Then I remember
And all I want to do is to forget


  1. What a powerful and poignant post. I can empathize with your pain. You really captured so much in this short poem. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh wow, Amanda. This is so powerful and says so much. The twist of that final line! The repeating refrain of "I forget" allows you to share so many of the reasons why you miss her--it's the opposite of forgetting, really. Just a beautiful piece.

  3. Agreed, powerful words that so many can relate to. No matter the subject, the sense of wanting to forget, not being able to, and just that sense of not having control over outcomes is strong in this piece.


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