Sunday, March 22, 2020

On the Bright Side

On the bright side,
I can now eat and go to the bathroom whenever I want.
No more looking at the clock, counting the minutes panic-stricken, and then making the mad dash across campus at the ringing of a bell.

On the bright side,
I can do laundry and clean house and teach all at the same time.

On the bright side,
if I'm sick or just don't feel like showing up to work,
I don't have to write sub plans. School goes on without me.

On the bright side,
I don't have to wear shoes to work.
Or work clothes. I can wear pajamas if I want even when it's not Pajama Day.

On the bright side,
there's no more before-school, after-school, and recess supervision.

On the bright side,
I can turn off my microphone and camera
and my principal will never know what I'm really doing during the staff meeting.

On the bright side,
I don't have to worry about traffic making me late for work.

On the bright side,
with the magic of video and a change of clothes, I can turn today into tomorrow.

On the bright side,
I've been pushed out of my comfort zone
and forced to learn new ways of teaching.

On the bright side,
we've all had to slow down just a little and take stock of the things that really matter in life.

On the bright side,
maybe when this is all over, we will move forward with a greater appreciation for our human connections and the myriad of other things we take for granted.

Without a doubt, times are tough, and the isolation and uncertainty will continue to challenge us in the days ahead. Today I offer a different challenge, to find your own bright side to these dark and difficult times.


  1. Thank you for the challenge. On the bright side I have more time to spend with my dad here in Massachusetts, without losing any ground with my class in New York.

  2. I totally agree with this line,
    "I've been pushed out of my comfort zone
    and forced to learn new ways of teaching." love how you're looking at the bright side of life. It's so uplifting to me!

  3. Yes, I love your list of bright side items. Thanks for reminding us to look on the bright side.

  4. I appreciate this focus on the bright side. I am trying to cope by staying very present in the current moment and not looking ahead at all, but that is very hard. And the news is just so overwhelming. It's such a good discipline to focus on the bright side and shift our perspective.


Your comments are welcomed and appreciated!