Thursday, March 23, 2023

An Unexpected Gift

My intervention class was a little late getting dismissed to lunch today. Toward the end of class, I had announced, "I'm bored," and projected the join code to a Gimkit game, much to the delight of my students.

"Let's go!" I heard one of them call out.

The game had gone right up until the bell rang for lunch, but the students insisted on seeing who had won. It was a bit chaotic as it usually is at the end of class, with students packing up and jostling against each other, trying to get out the door. I happened to catch sight of one of my students walking across the front of the room in the opposite direction. It was a student who struggles a bit, but had come after school the day before to get help with his assignments. He had been so excited when I had immediately entered his grades into the grade book and he saw that his grade had gone up to an A. What was strange about seeing him at this moment was he wasn't in my intervention class. He must have slipped through the door while the others were leaving.

"I just wanted to give you something," he said as he quickly turned around at my desk and headed back for the door.

On my desk was a tiny package of gummy bears.

Today, as most days, was filled with irritations and frustrations. But tonight, I can't recall exactly what they were; all I can remember is that little pack of gummy bears.

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